December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013, HELLO 2014

Oh My Goodness. 2013 is practically over. (I’m writing this on Monday but it’ll be up on Tuesday night.) It just seems so surreal. 12 months. 365 days. 525,600 minutes. 31,557,600 seconds. If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve survived it. We have survived another year of heartaches, pains, loss, happiness, and basically everything in between. 
I don’t know about you guys, but 2013 hasn’t been the best for me. I mean yeah it could’ve been worse. It wasn’t horrible, but it definitely wasn’t what I was expecting. I felt like in a sense I let myself down. I didn’t meet up to the expectations that I had for myself. I wanted all of these different things to happen and some of them did, but for the most part it wasn’t the best year of my life. Because of that, I’ve come up with a few ways that I can make 2014 the best year of my life. 

  If there is any that you feel is holding you back from being the person that you want to be, let it go. Whether it be people, music, surroundings, whatever it is, let it go. There is no point in letting yourself be brought down by things of less importance. 

This may seem self explanatory, but a lot of people seem to struggle with this. I know I did, at least for a little this year. At the time, when we’re pretending to be someone we’re not, it doesn’t appear like there is anything wrong with it because we are just so focused on getting other peoples’ approval. When we take a step back long enough to see the damage that our dishonesty has caused, we realize that it really wasn’t worth it. Maybe they would have liked us just being us, or if they wouldn’t have then they don’t deserve to be a part of our lives. That was something that I struggled with, and I just had to realize that if someone really wants to be my friend they will accept me and my true friends won’t mind that sometimes I’m a little loud, or that my laugh is sometimes obnoxious, and I may or may not be fluent in gibberish. That’s who I am. Accept me or not, that’s your problem.

This year, I learned that everyone struggles with confidence. Not just weak, insecure middle school girls. High school boys, college girls, adults, even a 75 year old. We all have trouble with self-confidence. It comes with the territory of trying to find our place in this world. Yeah, it sucks not believing in yourself but the more that we tell ourselves that we are great and that we can accomplish many things, we will be able to. BUT, remember there is a fine line between confidence and conceit. So whether it’s about talking to that special someone you’ve been dying to talk to all year, trying out for a new sport, or just stepping out of your box and making new friends. Believe that you can accomplish great things and you WILL do great things. 

We all know those people that no matter what is going on, they always seem to find something bad about the day, or life. Even if we don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, that persons’ attitude rubs off on us. So the main way to be positive, SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE! Easy peasy, lemon-squeasy? NOPE. We want to spare other peoples’ feelings so bad that we sometimes tend to put our own feelings on hold. Wrong! You have to be in a good place in your life to be able to accomplish what you want done in the new year, so if you aren’t in a happy place, you will not be able to reach your full potential. 

All our lives, we’ve been told forgive and forget and for the longest time I actually believed that, but towards the end of this year, I realized that yes we need to be forgiving but we should not forget. If we chose to forget, then how are we supposed to learn from our mistakes?? So yes, forgive and don’t hold grudges, but remember what you learned from that experience. That way if anything similar happens in the future, you know how to deal with it. 

By no means am I trying to act like an expert, I just wanted to tell you guys how I plan on having a good year in 2014, and maybe it’ll help you guys have a great year as well.

So for us, let’s forget the pain and heartache of 2013, and embrace 2014 with open arms, a clear conscience, and a willing heart. 

For 2014, be the best year of our lives and treat us right! 


~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles~

December 12, 2013


Hey! So I decided that I wanted to do all homemade Christmas presents this year, and that I was only going to give to my real friends. The people that I know I can trust. The people that no matter what happens they will be there for me. My “Ride or Dies.” And after narrowing my list down, I only have twelve people that aren’t family that are getting a Christmas present from me. I realized that over the past three years that I’ve been spending my money on Christmas presents for people that honestly didn’t deserve it. For people that at the end of the day, could care less about my feelings. People that I was always there for, and when I needed them the most, they disappeared. So, I’ve made it a goal for me to realize those people early on. And after analyzing my friend list, I made a few cuts. It may have possibly been one the best decisions I’ve made in my teenage years so far. So, what’s the point of this blog. To help you guys, I want to help you guys 1) Save money this Christmas and 2) notice your “friends” before it’s to late. 

1. Only get presents for close friends 
2. Try to make them from the heart 
3. Make sure that the people you’re getting presents for are worth the hassle 
4. Think six months later, will this gift even be remembered. 

Those are what I thought about when deciding who I’m giving a present to this year, and what I am going to give them. I hope this made some sense for you guys. 

~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles~

December 10, 2013


Sorry i haven't put up a blog in a couple days. My semester is almost done and I've had soo much school work to do and I'm sorry. But todays blog is about self. YOU! Me, Myself, and I. Sometimes we spend so much time worrying about other people and their problems,that we forget that we need love and attention too. So during this holiday season, while you're out and about getting presents for everyone, don't forget to take a break every once and a while and just breathe. 

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles~ 

December 05, 2013


Hey guys. I hope you've been enjoying my blog posts so far. Today I just wanted to talk about laughing! A strange topic, I know. But I've learned that the best thing to do in awkward or embarrassing situations is just to laugh them off. So no matter what happened this holiday season, from spilling a drink on your crush at a Christmas party or completely tripping up the steps at school. Be able to laugh at yourself, and everything will be okay.  

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles~ 

December 04, 2013


Hey guys well I don't feel to good. Tummy ache so today's post is going to be a little bit shorter. Today I wanted to remind you guys the reason for Christmas. We're celebrating the birth of Jesus. I feel that sometimes we take that for granted or sometimes we forget. That's something that should always be in our minds. Yes we should love spending time with our family and friends and getting to waste hours on hours at the mall trying to find that special present for that special someone. It's all important and the reason that we do that is because baby Jesus also got presents. So just remember that throughout this wonderful holiday, don't forget why we celebrate it. 

(FTC: I am in no way trying to force any kind of belief on you guys, this is just what I think and I hope you guys in joyed it.)  

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles~ 

December 03, 2013


     BLOGMAS Day 2! So exciting. The days until Christmas are winding down. I’ve been trying to contain my spirit, but today for me was like a flashback in a movie. It seemed like everything that was said just brought up a lot of memories. Some of them were good ones, like getting to travel with my friends and movie nights with my besties, and some of them were bad. From stupid decisions that I’ve made myself, or situations that I let myself be caught up in. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Whether it’s to teach you what not to do, or what you should do better, there is a lesson behind everything in life. And all day, I was trying to come up with a way to block those thoughts out of my mind. Finally, I realized that I can’t. There really isn’t anything that you can do to make something come out of your head. Once it’s in there, it’s in there. So, how can we deal with unwanted memories.
1.Accept that it actually happened.  2. Deal with it. We don’t have time machines, we can’t go back in time and change it
3. Decide whether you’re going to use that experience to help you or hurt you. To help you, recognize the warning signs. Know what to look out for next time. Hurt you, never allow yourself to be at fault for making a bad decision. 

This is basically what I had to do today. I hope it helps. 

~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles~

December 02, 2013


Welcome to BLOGMAS! Basically, I’m just going to be posting a blog everyday in December excluding Sunday’s, just because I need a day to just relax, and gather up my thoughts for the following week. BLOGMAS isn’t something organized. I’ll just be posting whatever I feel like for that day. Enough with the intro, here’s my first BLOGMAS.

I was thinking today, about how everything has changed. I looked back and I know exactly where I was a year ago today, how I felt, and the reasons for my emotions. Looking back to 365 days ago, I realize all of the stupid decisions I made. The first one was regarding boys! Ugh! Oh The Horror! I realized that a lot of the crap that I went through was of no one else’s fault but my own. I choose to listen to that stupid little voice telling me, “Go ahead, talk to him, maybe he’s different.” NO! That’s a lie. One of the many lies that girls convince our selves of when we like a guy that we know we shouldn’t even try to talk to. I found myself in that situation, and what did I do? I choose to stay. I choose to listen to everything that he had to say. I choose to accept every insincere apology. STUPID, STUPID, GIRL! Now, how is this going to help you… I’m going to give to you the steps you should take to avoid this problem.
1. Identify the problem. 
As cliché as it may be, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Many people, like me, chose to ignore that there is even a problem. Does that work in the end? NO!
2. Decide what to do with the problem.
Let’s say that you do identify the problem, you still have to choose whether or not you want to try and fix the problem.
3. Act on your decision. 
Now that you’ve made a decision, put it into action. Whatever it is follow through, because trust me in the end it works out.

That’s my little experience for today, I hope that it helps. Comment down below, tweet me, or email me and let me know if these tips are helpful.

~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles~

December 01, 2013

December's Excitement

GUYS!!!! IT'S DECEMBER!!! HMMM..... Less than 1 month left in 2013. I can't even believe that the year is almost over. That means that we have survived almost another year of trials, tribulations, and school! That means we're one year closer to being done! Finished with school, drama, and stupid people. GOSH! The fact that I'm a junior in high school makes me feel like I've lived a full life. From all of the things that have happened. I mean c'mon. From boy drama to breaking up friendships. I've had my fair share of mishaps. And I will be telling you guys all about them. So for everyday in December (excluding Sundays) I will be letting you guys into my personal life and telling you guys what I've been through, my choices and also different solution options. I've decided to call it "BLOGMAS"! So keep a look out for those. And also thank you to those who have been reading my blogs. I know I took a long hiatus but only because I had so much going on but now I have a handle on things so my blog posts will be  more frequent! Thanks for all of the support. Love you guys!! 

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles~

October 17, 2013

Are You Lonesome... Tonight?

 I’m as single as single could get. I’m not talking to anyone. My love life consists of watching romantic comedies, listening to stupid love songs, and envying those cute couples on Instagram. It’s not that I hate being single, it’s just that when I do see those couples’, I can’t help but wonder why don’t I have someone. Even if we aren’t dating someone to talk to, someone to send sweet texts to (and receive), and someone to be my Man Crush Monday (and their Woman Crush EVERYDAY! chessy I know).  It’s not that there’s any thing wrong with being single, it’s the loneliness that come with being single! If you’ve been single as long as I have, you start to get tired of the same old routine. Friday nights consisting of either hanging with some girl friends, or watching yet another stupid love movie! I mean c’mon. Eventually, it gets old. 
        I’m now at that point in life where, I am looking for something more than “Oh, you’re a great friend” and  “I wish more girls were like you”. REALLY!!! That’s probably one of the sweetest yet most friend-zoning lines EVER. Yeah, I’m flattered that you enjoy our friendship and all but OUCH. You might as well have said that I’m like your adorable little sister. And no one wants to date their little sister. (Unless your Jace from The Mortal Instruments.) How would you like it if the guy that your interested in just compared you to their little sister? My guess is not that much, understandably
Sooo, what do we do now? One thing that I have made myself swear not to do is chase after a guy. No! I believe that the guy should do the pursuing. I realized that it helps them feel more manly. (I mean whatever floats your boat though). And now we wait. Now don’t get mad. You’re probably thinking I wrote all of this just to tell you guys to do what you’ve already been doing. Yes. It’s just to remind you that everything happens when it should. That knight and shinning armor will come along, at the right time. So, just sit tight, relax, and enjoy your teen years. Hang out with friends. Meet new people. Try new foods. Have fun!  

This blog was geared more towards girls today, but in the next few days, I’ll do something for the guys. 

~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles!~

October 07, 2013


     There isn't one person on this earth that you will always agree with. Even married couples' have differences of opinions. Best Friends. Teachers and students. And of course, parents and their kids. But why? We all have a different perspectives on things. I heard the best explanation for this over the weekend. We are both looking up into the clouds and I see a unicorn, but you see a dinosaur. Who's right? Who's wrong? The answer to both is neither. Because our perspective is different. We can both sit there and choose to argue about it, but that won't change anything. I will still see a unicorn and you will still see a dinosaur. 
     But what does perspective have to do with teenagers. Teenagers see life differently then anyone else. WHY? I think it's because we're at a point in our life when we are open to a lot of different things. Where adults are set in there ways, and majority of the time they don't want to hear other peoples' opinion. There are things that I'm open to now, but when I was a kid I always said NO WAY JOSÉ! And, at first it was weird and at times a little scary, but because my perspective has changed those things aren't so bad. Like growing up, I always said that I would never like country music, but now I find that it's really good music. 
     Another thing that I don't like is when adults try to tell us that our perspective is wrong! Like excuse me? It's my perspective! MINE! I will stand by it 100% and defend it if I have to. I understand if you don't agree with it, and maybe it might be wrong. Then show me how it is wrong. When someone just comes out and says "you're wrong" it just makes me SO mad. But,  by explaining and showing then it really does help us. Let me know in the comments below if you're the same way. 
     Well, that's it for today. Let me know blog ideas that you guys want in the comments below, and you can always e-mail me whenever if you ever need someone to talk. 

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles~

September 28, 2013

Fantasy or Reality?

Most teenagers have a fantasy life that they have created for themselves. Who they're going to marry? How many kids they are going to have? What college they will attend? But many of those are not realistic. Majority of the time we are way off. We imagine ourselves marrying some celebrity that doesn't even know that we exist. But that's okay, because it's your fantasy, it's the life you would have if you were in charge of your own destiny.But then comes the unwanted truth of reality kicks in. Let's be honest. Those dreams will probably never come true.WHY? Because that's just the way that life works. I'm not saying that one of you won't end up marrying Austin Mahone or Ariana Grande, all I'm saying is that chances of that happening are 1 in a Million.

 I mean come on. If I had the choice to make up my own life. I would be rich, famous, and dating an amazing  guy. Reality. Normal teenager, normal teenager friends, and single. But, I'm learning to be okay with that. Being single is okay. That just means that you  have more time focus on yourself. Yeah, Yeah, Boring is probably what most of you are thinking. But if you think about it, it's true. While you are single, you get to decide what you want in a relationship and what you will not accept in a relationship. So that way, if the WRONG guy comes along, you will know. 

So, which is better... Fantasy or Reality? For me, I chose reality. Even though, it's not always what I want, it's what I need. So even when things aren't always going my way, I know that in the end, everything will be fine. 

Let me know what you guys would choose? Fantasy or Reality? 

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles~ 

September 24, 2013

Today affects Tomorrow

Everyone compares them selves to someone or something at one point in their life. Whether it was when you were 5 and the kid next to you had the 64 pack crayons, or in 6th grade with the girl two rows down had the better birthday party, or in middle school and high school when most teenagers are out partying and having relationships and your just like "I'm the social outcast". Let me tell you, NONE OF THAT MATTERS!  Because in 10 years, it won't matter who had better crayons or the better party, or most relationships. What is going to matter is where you are in life. Did you go to college? Did you graduate? What are you doing with your degree? Because in all honesty you can have a college degree and just sit at home and do nothing. You may have "swag" today and nothing tomorrow. Don't follow the crowd and waste your high school years. Do well. Get good grades. Join sports and clubs. Make friends everywhere. I'd rather be remembered for being a great friend, than being a great party buddy. Be smart. Make wise decisions. No matter what you choose to do though, the consequences will follow you for the rest of your life. Be wise and go to college and work, you won't have to worry about not being able to support yourself. Blow off school, work at McDonald's for the rest of your life.... Your choice. But for me, I choose school.

Let me know what you guys want to major in for college.

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles~