September 01, 2014

A New Peace

     Those moments. Those moments when we don't know which way is up or down. East or West. Those moments when we are so completely lost and confused that we couldn't answer one plus one. Lately that's been me.
      I'm at the stage in my life when it's time to either hold on or move on. Senior year is upon me and I've never been so indecisive in my entire life. It's like one day I know what I want and where I want to go and the next day I've completely changed my mind. I can't just make up my mind. My brain is a whirled-wind.    
      So,  what does a teenager do when they don't know what to do? I went on social media to clear my mind. Instagram to be exact. That's when I saw it. Jefferson Bethke's book sale.  His book was on sale for $ .99 on Amazon. Now I know what you guys are thinking. This isn't a religious blog, and you guys are correct,  but I want to share with you guys what I discovered. Anyways, I figured what can I lose? (Besides my dollar. ) So I bought it. And I'm only not even half way through but I already feel better. It's like a peace. Jeff definitely has a way with words. But most importantly, I can sense God's presence practically jumping off of the screen.
     But no, I still don't know where I want to go to college, or how exactly I'm going to get through senior year without losing all of my hair, BUT I've found a new peace and a new calmness that I just had to share with you guys. 

P. S. If you guys want me to do a review of Jesus > Religion let me know in the comments or on my twitter. 

~And that's the way the cookie crumbles!~ 

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