July 01, 2014

A Fresh Start

     When I first started this blog, I never imagined that it would stress me out as much as it has. I just thought that I would start posting and I would be able to help people immediately. You know? But lately I’ve felt as though all of my efforts have been in vain. Like my blog isn’t important. Like it doesn’t matter to anyone one way or the other if I ever post again. I know it sounds crazy, like I’m throwing myself a pity party, but I feel like I’m not fulfilling my goal. I want to help people. Point blank, end-of-story. There have been times when all I wanted to do was delete this website and just pretend like it never happened. But I can never go through with it. I always seem to convince myself that I’m helping at least one person. Indecisive? I know. 
So I’ve made a decision! I will begin to post regularly. But, they won’t always be long blogs. Sometimes, it’ll just be a quote and I’ll say what I think, or I’ll post a picture and ask a penny for your thoughts question, or sometimes I’ll just rant. (BTW, One of my favorite things to do.) I just wanted to give you guys an update so you didn’t think that I just left you in the dark. Well that’s it for now, until next time. 

~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles~

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