February 20, 2016

Challenge Yourself

People say that everything happens for a reason, and to that I say “HOGWASH”! 
They say that good things come to those who wait, and to that I say PROVE IT! 
Because everything that I thought I knew, is now being challenged. I thought I knew everything about what I know, but now I don't think so. Oh My Gosh!  That was so confusing. but that’s what I think. I'm sitting on my couch and I’m wondering how accurate my thoughts are? You grow up thinking one thing and one day it gets challenged and then you're at a loss for words. It’s like life just waited until you thought you had it all together and then BAM! CHANGE. No explanation. No reasoning. Just figure it out. The sooner the better obviously, but until then you're left on your own. 

It’s like you get dropped in the middle of a field by yourself and your thoughts. No one to help you, or save you, or anything. What do you do? What do you believe? What do you say? What do you think? Do you chose to continue believing what you already believe because that’s the easy way out, or do you challenge yourself to think outside of the box and find the answers? Challenge yourself to find out why things are the way they are! 

So do that! Question what you believe. Now I'm not telling you to completely change who you are, but find out why you are who are. Find out why the things that bother you, bother you. Find out why you believe what you believe. And hey, maybe you’ll learn more about yourself than you care to know, maybe you'll realize the error in some of your ways, and maybe, just maybe you’ll become the person that you always hoped you’d be. The real you that you keep locked away from everyone else. 

So lets do this. Together! 

~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles!~