I feel like I’ve been approaching this blog all wrong. I’ve been focusing it all on you guys and I’ve really neglected the personal parts. Leaving out the “juicy” details of everyday living gives you nothing to connect to. There’s nothing to relate my words on a screen to your daily life and drama. So, I’ve taken matters into my own hands. (Even though this is my blog, and it has always been in my hands, but that’s beside the point.) I want to invite you into the wonderful adventure I call “My Life". I will take you along with me as I figure out who I am and what paths I’m supposed to take.
of these people have been changed to protect their confidentiality.
I have a friend named Tracey. I’ve known Tracy for 8 years
but we’ve been friends on and off. I was recently thinking about it and our
friendship comes in seasons. Normally when we’re having a good friendship
season, it normally lasts for a few months and then it sorta just drifts off.
That has never seemed strange to me, until the other day when I was in the
shower and I thought about it. Then I thought about how we’re really good
friends right now and I thought to myself “Well, how long is this going to
last?” Tracey has always been there for me and me for her, but we can go months
without communication. Is that normal? Is it healthy for a friendship?
I’ve come to a
conclusion, YES! It is perfectly normal and healthy. It proves that our
friendship can stand the test of time. It proves that no matter what happens,
Tracey will always have my back. She will always be there. I haven’t met that
many people that I can count on this way, and those that I have had I’ve let
them go. (That’s another story.) So I’ve made a vow. I’ve promised to always be
honest in my friendships and try my best to keep lines of communication open. I
try not to go more than 3 days without talking.
I’ve lost a lot of friends in that last 4 years; I am not
going to allow myself to lose another one.