April 20, 2014

Antidote #1

                                                                  Spring Fever
                                                                   Antidote #1

    Spring Break is upon us! Finally! It feels like Spring Break has taken so long to come. This is what I’ve been looking forward to since Christmas Break! Anyways, I’ve been trying to figure out what I wanted my first post to be for my new series. I got it. Spring break when many people go on vacation, hang out at the beach and meet new people. It’s inevitable to not see someone on spring break. Not necessarily begin “talking” to them, but you will at least SEE a really cute person. (That is unless you live under a rock, or you’re sick)
    First, I wanna talk to my girls! So you’ve totally fallen for that cute boy that dipped your ice cream, or he was your waiter at a restaurant, or he saved you from drowning. (So cliché). What to do?
    1. B-YOU-TIFUL
        So, you’ve meet this handsome stranger and he sparks up a conversation. Starts talking about March Madness that just ended and he wants to know your thoughts. HMM.. But you HATE baseball,(I mean BASKETBALL), see your not sporty!  DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, LIE! It will get you on a train to nowhere, FAST. He’s gonna find out. So be honest! Tell him that you’re not a sports type of girl. If he only likes sporty girls, then his loss. But you never know, he might really like the fact that you were honest with him. Most guys appreciate that.
        Let’s presume that after step one, he asks you to get some Fro-Yo after dinner. (YES YES YES. MINI DANCE PARTY IN MY HEAD). After a rather casual yes, we rush home and try getting ready. Call  the besties. Stacy says to get all-dolled-up. All of the glitz and the glamour. Veronica says go in sweats and a hoodie. If he can’t take you at your worst why at your best? The predicament. You wanna look nice but not like you’re a hobo, or like you just came off of Toddlers and Tiaras. What do I say? Go with what you are comfortable with. If you’re an all natural girl then fine. And if you like going the full 9 yards that’s okay as well. Just do whatever you feel the best in.
Now, talking to the guys.(Sports, Food, Babes). Whether it’s the cute girl that skated past you, or the “Surfer Babe”, or the girl that sits in front of you in math that you’ve had the BIGGEST crush on all year. How do you get her attention?
    1. Confidence
        Girls love it when a guy can have the confidence to walk over to them and spark a conversation. If you wanna do a cool trick to impress her, be confident. Even if you screw up by epic proportions she will definitely notice your confidence and that will stand out more than anything.
    2.  Courtesy
        No girl wants to be talked to, or looked at like a piece of meat. NONE! So even if your buddies dare you, please don’t. Some of us can pretend like it doesn’t matter, others can’t. But the reality is that it does hurt, whether or not we show it doesn’t matter. Talk to girls with respect. Think of it this way. If you had a daughter, would you want some guy talking to her that way. I would hope your answer is no. We are girls, human-beings, not the next prize to some stupid truth or dare.

So no matter what happens this spring break, make sure that you have fun, bring sunscreen, and enjoy antidote #1. If taken daily your “Spring Fever” will be cured before you know it.

~And that’s the way the cookie crumbles~